Have you finished your content, but still have a few weeks of school left? Are you looking for a FUN way to get some more content in before the summer begins? How about a lapbook, emergent readers, games, and so much more!? And, for a little more fun, a GIVEAWAY!
Summer is so close.. I can feel it! But the students can too and that means it's time for some new resources. So some friends and I have teamed up with Educents for an amazing bundle of instant downloads for you! If you have never heard of Educents, you are in for a BIG surprise! Click here to sign up (it's free and I get a referral credit). Be ready for some great deals for educational materials! :)
My products included will surely be loved by your students!
Robert Munsch is a FAVORITE author to many! He is a funny, goofy guy (you can see for yourself here on his own website). Kids love his books! Most people know him for his book Love You Forever, but he has written so many more (50 Below Zero, We Share Everything, Get Out of Bed, Paperbag Princess, Pigs, and Aaron's Hair to name a few). Do you need to motivate your kids for good behavior or find something for them to do at inside recess on those rainy days? Here is a cartoon version of 4 of his books. (Note: this is from YouTube, so if you cannot access YouTube from school, you may need to save it first and then bring it in to school). Since kids love him so much (and so do I), this is a great time of year to read some of his books, teach or review some core content, and create a lapbook at the same time!
This time of year is also a great time to add in some games. The kids are a little older and can handle this better than they can at the beginning of the year (can you believe how far they have come!!). And, many of us assess our kids on nonsense words near the end of the year. Here is one of my popular WILD card games in which students practice reading and matching nonsense words. It is played much like the traditional UNO game, except instead of basic numbers, they can match nonsense words. It still includes "extras" such as Draw Two and Skip and kids have so much fun with it! In fact, I want to give away some of my other WILD editions. Check out the Rafflecopter giveaway below and enter to win 3 more versions PLUS a version of your very own! (I will ask you what skill you would like to cover and make a brand new game to cover that skill! You will be the first to own the new game!)
For a limited time, this BUNDLE is $10.99 from Educents which is about 75% off! It also includes these other great products so there is sure to things you love!
An InLinkz Link-up
Have fun teaching everyone! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Krista- Your games look AMAZING!! Robert Munsch is one of my favorite authors :)
This is such a great bundle!!! My favorite end of year activity is everyone signing a beach ball for each student then taking them outside to play with then they have a great keepsake to take home and remember their friends in Kindergarten :)
That is a GREAT idea! The kids will use the ball all summer and think of their friends! :) Thanks for sharing!