Thursday, July 31, 2014

iPad Mini Giveaway!

I have been SOOOO excited about this for awhile now!  I have the pleasure of joining other FABULOUS teachers to bring YOU the chance to win an iPad mini!!  Yes, you heard that right!  You could win an iPad mini of your very own!

I LOVE technology and my daughter has been taking after me in that department.  We are often found on the couch together, faces staring at a device, emailing/sharing things between the two of us, giggling, and showing each other how to do something new!  So different from when I was 10, but these "devices" are all my kids know.  When they don't know a word, I tell them to "look it up" and they grab the iPhone to get the dictionary app.  When my son wants to know who won the 1991 Indy 500 or what the 121st digit of pi is (I'm just kidding...he already knows the answer to BOTH of those questions!), he looks it up on Google and then watches a YouTube video of the race.  Of course, we limit the "screen time" of our kids (having a child on the spectrum means having a way to earn screen time each day is necessary), I make sure to teach them the safety rules of the internet.  I also show them all that they can learn and gain from the wonderful world of technology!  

So, what is my FAVORITE app to use?  Such a difficult question because I use different apps for different purposes.   But, my favorite app for ORGANIZATION has to be Book Crawler!  I used this to categorize all of my books.  You can simply scan the bar code on the book and it will turn it into an Excel file!!  

Of course, not all of the books are searchable by the code on the back (and some, like a few from Scholastic, don't even have the bar code on the back.  No worries!  You can enter the title, the author, OR the ISBN number to search for it.  We found it easiest to enter the ISBN number because then the exact edition, cover photo, etc. showed up.  Yes, I said WE because my daughter thought it was so much fun, she took my phone and did several of them herself.  Of course, the bookworm that she is, I know part of the reason was to find some more great books to read.  It didn't matter to me!  She was helping AND reading more!  :)

Want more "techie" ideas?  Follow my Techie Teacher Pinterest board for some wonderful ideas!

 Pinterest Board for Technology ideas for Education

Okay, onto the giveaway:

This giveaway is only open to teachers (classroom and homeschool) who are living in the contiguous United States. The winning entry will be verified and proof of eligibility may be required. Please see the complete terms and conditions at the bottom of the giveaway for more information

Good luck!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for sharing about the Book Crawler app. That one is new to me and I'm definitely going to check it out. Do you have the free or paid ($1.99 on my iPhone) version? I love to use on my phone and the internet. I'm going to see if there are some good apps or websites for little ones that are similar so I can have my 1st graders use it for spelling and to hear a word that they type in. I seem to remember that has ads. If you know of any good dictionary apps for students, I would love to get more information. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just entered the amazing giveaway you are offering with "Burke" (I am your newest follower) I would be very appreciative if you hopped over to check out my giveaway! It ends in approximately 24 hours. Thanks so much =)
    Teacher’s Lounge
