Friday, October 3, 2014

Common Core Club--Giveaway

Yes, you read that right!  One FREE membership - an entire year's worth of 4th Grade Common Core Math materials!  I'm part of an amazing group of teachers who decided to pull all our math resources together and create the Common Core Club! Our first edition is for 4th grade.  If you're not a 4th grade teacher - stay tuned! Your grade level is coming!

We JUST released the 2nd installment of the Common Core Math Club.  This release is packed with another $60 worth of resources that many of you 4th grade teachers will cover in the 2nd quarter.  

We wanted to share our excitement with our loyal fans, so we decided to give away one FREE MEMBERSHIP roughly worth $240.00!!!  Just enter the rafflecopter giveaway on this page, and check back on Sunday when we announce the winner!  

If you just can't wait, you can get your membership now at an introductory discount of $75.00 (on Sunday the price will increase to $90).  You will have immediate access to Quarter 1 & Quarter 2 materials, and an invitation to a secret group on Facebook.  You will be able to download the new installments as they become available.

We also have an ELA Common Core Club you can join!  This bundle is even BIGGER than the Math bundle and covers all of your Reading, Writing, Language, and Speaking/Listening needs!  You can see more about this club here.  

To read more about the 4th Grade Common Core Club, or to purchase a membership click here.

To read more about how this club got started and it's contributors click here.

Enter the giveaway below!  Good Luck!!! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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