Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Math Madness Wednesday: Probability

Well, I wasn't sure what the PROBABILITY of me getting my post finished in time was going to be this week, but I made it!  Our family moved this past weekend and if I never move again, it will be too soon!  :)  But, we are all finished with the moving part and just have the fun part left (organizing, settling it, etc.).  
Thanks to Krista Wallden  for these wonderful graphics!  
On to the math part....I always love teaching probability at this time of year because it is such a fun unit and it lends itself easily to playing games (which I usually need at this point in the year in order to keep the students' attention).  If I have enough time left in the year, I LOVE to let the kids make games of their own and share them with the class.  One year, my kids got so into this activity, they worked on it at home (which was NOT assigned) and helped their parents make real game boards.  It was amazing!  We invited other classes to come and play our games (which gave other teachers and students a break as well).  
Here is a game you can print and play with your class, if you don't have time for them to make one of their own.  It is my newest WILD card game.  This version has bubble gum balls inside a machine, so it adds a fun way to practice theses skills.  And, since it is Teacher Appreciation Week, I am making it FREE until Friday!  I hope you and your kids enjoy the game....I think it is highly probable!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of having students make their own games and then sharing them with other students! I think we're going to do that! Thanks for the idea. Thanks for hosting the linky!

