Friday, June 27, 2014

Keep 'Em BUZZY this summer!

This week, I am happy to be a part of a fun Blog Hop!  We are sharing ideas for how to keep the kids busy buzzy over the summer.  Since our summer break started a couple weeks ago, my kids have already started looking for ways to keep themselves busy.  Isn't funny how much they want to be out of school and yet, how quickly they become bored!?  

IDEA #1--Well, both of my kids have been really into building things lately.  LEGOS, cardboard boxes, sticks, etc. all become forts, buildings, or some type of creation.  So, I decided to get some PVC pipes and joints to see what they would create.  They first discussed creating some sort of sprinkler system, but when I told them we would have to join the pipes permanently, they decided not to do that.  They kept playing with the pieces, trying different arrangements, and finally came up with a tent.  They created the frame, found one of our tarps, and finished their creation.  It is now a fun, shady, cool spot to hang out and read or relax!  The other pieces are still in the back yard and I often go outside and find them in a different formation.  They really enjoy putting them together to make something and then taking them apart to make something different. 

IDEA #2--As I wrote about early this week, I have also had fun playing with pool noodles.  I created Spin-a-Word and Spin-a-Fact activities.  You can read more about them AND enter to win a set of your own by reading my post here.  If you are looking for more ideas with pool noodles, check out my Pinterest page devoted strictly to pool noodles!

IDEA #3--Some other things we have been doing to keep us BUZZY include art with Sharpie markers (take them outside and throw on an apron or old tshirt if you fear staining).  Look at some of the beautiful art work my daughter has been busy making!

IDEA #4-- We are planning on going to Vegas soon.  While my son is at Social Academy every day, my daughter has been working on planning our trip for us!  She has done research, looked at maps, and kept within our budget for the vacation and has had a BLAST doing it!  Here are some of her notes.  She is working on a Powerpoint to try to convince me and her dad to do some of things she wants to do!  :)

 Here are her notes, directions, ideas, addresses, etc.
Here is her typed up schedule that she is recommending!  

IDEA #5--Turn your child's obsession love into art!  My son LOVES pi (you know, the 3.14 type, not the kind you eat!).  He has memorized the first 130+ digits so far.  One of the college students who worked with him last year made him this Pi Flag as a end of the year gift.  It was so sweet and absolutely perfect!  We decided to take it another step forward and graph the numbers.  My daughter wants to take her graph and make it into a city-scape design like she saw on Pinterest, but she is still working on that!    Obviously, not all children are in love with a number!  But, there is a way to turn pretty much anything into art!  Do they love cars?  Have them drive their cars through some paint and drive the cars on paper.  You can do the same with LEGO bricks, bouncy balls, blocks, or even with shells collected from your summer vacation!

IDEA #6--Play some games!  Everyone loves playing games!  They can be as simple as drawing a Tic Tac Toe Board on the sidewalk and using scraps of pool noodles, frisbees, cups, or just the chalk itself to complete a game.  Or, bring out an old classic card game!  

FREE from Educents!
You can also print out my WILD!  Addition game for FREE from Educents!  (There are many other GREAT deals going on over there as well, including a Full Year Curriculum for Kindergarten, My Author Study Lapbook Bundle, a Preschool Bundle, my Patterns Bundle, and even a FREE summer Coloring Book!)
You can also find more of my WILD card games in my TPT store by clicking here.    

Make sure to continue along the hop to find some more GREAT ideas to keep them BUZZY this summer!  Jennifer from Crayons & Cuties in Kindergarten has 10 great tips and lots of pictures too!

Crayons & Cuties in Kindergarten


  1. Such fun!! I love the PVC creations! I think our houses have been very similar lately. We had a plethora of PVC and pool noodles :)

  2. Your daughter is great! We're doing the shark reef aquarium on Saturday. It's one of the few attractions in Vegas I haven't seen yet. It's going to be a great trip!

  3. Have fun in Vegas!!!!! How nice to have a live-in events planner! Thanks for sharing your ideas!
