Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Math Madness Wednesday: Place Value

Today is the day!  My kids start back to school.  We were able to go in to school and meet my son's teachers yesterday, so he is much less anxious now, but he is still not sure about going back to school.  I'm sure many of you can relate!  :)

I conducted a short survey on my Facebook page last week are realized that many of you start off the year by teaching place value.  I think that is wonderful!  I loved starting with place value because if students don't have that concept figured out, they really can't go much further with math.  

With that in mind, I created a few new products and decided to bundle them together for you!

First, I included my Interactive Notebook and Vocabulary pack.  I LOVE this idea!  If you aren't sure about doing interactive notebook's yet, you can still use these items by turning them into lapbooks.  

I included pictures and ways to use them inside the product!  For the vocabulary words, I included larger (word wall size) as well as smaller (for student notebooks) versions.  

I just finished two new sets of task card activities as well.  As always, they are differentiated so you can use them the whole class OR with different grade levels if you homeschool.  

The first version is space themed and asks students to find the value of the underlined digit.  

The second version is apple themed and gives clues to a number that the students would identify.

The most exciting news is that I have created a SUPER new game that I call BAM!  I used superheroes to make it even more fun.  The card game is played like WAR.  Partners take turns flipping over cards to find out who has the higher number.  I included a recording sheet as well in order to hold students accountable.

You can get ALL of this for only $5 this week at Educents!  Click {HERE} to grab it now!
I can't wait to hear your thoughts about my new products!  Let me know your thoughts AND how you teach place value!  

Don't forget about the BIG BOOST sale over at TPT TODAY ONLY!!  My entire store is on sale.  I also have some great freebies, if you have already spent more than you should have on your classroom!  :)

And, if you are looking for a full year's worth of Common Core Curriculum, join the CLUB!  The Common Core Club, that is!  You can check it out {HERE}.  There is a FREE download so you can check out all that you get.  Today's sale makes this club even MORE affordable!  

Good luck to all of you who are starting back soon!  To those of you who have already started, the worst is already over!  There is NO tired like first week of school tired!  :)

Until next time,

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