Sunday, August 31, 2014

September CURRENTLY!

I say this every month, but is is SERIOUSLY September already!?!?

It is time to link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's edition of Currently.

Listening:  The sprinklers are on next door and it is a soothing sound!  I think I need to make my own "sound machine" by recording it sometime!

Loving:  The kids have been in school for 8 days.  With school and soccer already starting, the chaos of the beginning of the year is in full swing.  I am loving that we have this 3 day weekend with NOTHING to do, because it is the last weekend I can say that for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time!  

Thinking:  I have lots of ideas to add to my Apple Addition pack, but I can't find the motivation to do it.  I keep getting distracted!

Wanting:  My kids are now in 5th and 6th grade and I have realized just how grown up they really are.  I want them to STOP and stay at this age for awhile!

Needing:  I have all I need, like Farley said!  

3 trips:  I kind of cheated on this one.  I have always wanted to visit Australia and my husband always wanted to go to Ireland.  We ended up going to Ireland with his dad, sister, and her husband for his dad's 50th birthday about 10 years ago.  We still haven't had the chance to visit Australia, but it is definitely on my bucket list!

I can't wait to read everyone else's ideas and see what you all are up to!  :)


  1. My kids are growing too fast too! My oldest is now a sophomore in HS, mid kid is in 8th, and little kid in 5th…no more elementary kids. :(
    I listed Australia as one of my three. I've never even been out of the country. Don't even have a passport. One day…one day..
    Good luck on your apple math!

  2. I'm guessing you want to go to Australia? Haha. Here's hoping you get to go soon!
    The Disneyfied Teacher

  3. I can completely relate to your problems with not finding motivation for TPT products. I have the ideas...I have the it's not getting done!
    Best of Luck!
    Short and Sassy Teacher
