Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer BBQ Recipe and Giveaway!!

"What's for dinner!?!?"  How many times have heard that...and are NOT sure about the answer yet!?  I always fear that!  And, with school coming back in session soon, I'm looking through my cookbook to find my go-to, easy, quick meals.  One of my family's favorites is my crock pot tacos.  The ingredients can be thrown in the crock pot in the morning, and dinner can be served when everyone gets home!  The kids LOVE coming home to the aroma of Taco Tuesday!!  Check out the recipe below. 
Dinner is served!
I would love to hear about YOUR go-to recipes for the school year!  Leave a comment below.  

Make sure to continue hopping for more great ideas.  Next stop is Carrie!  
And, don't forget that TPT is having their BIG Site-wide Sale on Monday and Tuesday!  I am participating, so you can grab any of my products and receive a 28% discount!  Click {HERE} to visit my store!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We make stir-fry using a bag of "coleslaw" vegetables. Put the rice in the rice cooker first! A rice cooker is a must. Perfect rice every single time.
    We buy the pre-cut veggies, add onions, soy sauce, and whatever else you want and make them all together.
    Voila! All finished. You can add meat if you want, but we often don't.

  2. Love crock pot meals! This one looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Fantastic all food i like very much....
