Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lesson Deli--Many iDeas for iPad minis

Welcome to iDeas for iPads!  I hope you will learn a lot about some great apps to use in the classroom.  Of course, there is exciting news about the GIVEAWAY of an iPad mini too. 
My app of choice is BrainPOP.  I am sure many of you are familiar with this wonderful video app.  We use it at school and at home.  My son even uses it for "breaks" sometimes.  Of course, he loves all things math and science, and he is (slowly) learning humor, so Moby's funny antics make him giggle!  
In case you aren't familiar with BrainPOP, here are some screenshots to show you what is offered:

Even if you don't have a "membership" with them (the FULL membership costs $6.99/month and the EXPLORER version, which includes 4 related movies, costs $1.99/month), you can use the FREE video of the day at no cost.  They have seasonal videos (like this one about autumn leaves), math, science, language skills, and much more (see below for a short list)!  The videos usually start with a letter from a viewer.

The videos are GREAT to use in the classroom!  When I only had 1 iPad for the class, I would put the iPad under my document camera, plug my speakers to the iPad, and play it that way.  Then, we would all take the quiz (they are multiple choice, so we would play 4 corners*).  

It was a quick, fun way to review what we saw.  If we got many of the questions incorrect, I could easily replay the video and note what I needed to touch more on in the next lesson.  Or, I could look at the "related movies" to see if one of them would help us out.

**In case you aren't familiar with 4 corners, it is a way to get the kids up and moving while being able to visually see what they are thinking.  Designate one corner of the room for each answer possibility (A, B, C, D).  Ask a multiple choice question, and have the kids move to the corner to show their response.  

Check out my friends' posts for more great technology iDeas for the classroom.  What apps or iDeas would YOU add to our list?  

And, what you have ALL been waiting for.....Enter the giveaway below for your chance to win an iPad mini!  See the Rafflecopter below for more information.

"This giveaway is only open to teachers (classroom and homeschool) who are living in the United States or Canada. The winning entry will be verified and proof of eligibility may be required. Please see the complete terms and conditions at the bottom of the giveaway for more information."

And, if you are a 4th grade teacher teaching the Common Core, you should check out the Common Core Club!  We have done all the work for you, making sure all standards are covered throughout the year.  Right now, the Math membership is only $60 and the ELA is only $100.  However, on October 1, we will be adding all of the 2nd quarter items and increasing the price.  Buy now and receive the rest of the year for FREE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great post! The Brain Pop videos are so great and my kiddos love them. I don't have a membership, but the free ones are great! Thanks for offering this giveaway. :)
    Teacher Treasure Hunter

  2. My second graders LOVE Moby and Annie! Our district pays for the annual membership! Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!
    Stories and Songs in Second

  3. My students LOVE Brainpop and I feel fortunate that my principal purchases it for us every year! I love love love your idea to use 4 corners with it!

  4. I have used Brainpop for years and LOVE it! I didn't know it came in an app version! Thanks for sharing this!

    The Teacher Next Door

  5. I love Brainpop! I just used one of their free videos on September 11th... it was perfect! The kids always love the little jokes.

  6. I love BrainPop! Our school has been lucky to have a subscription for years. I love the videos. They are very educational, but funny and short enough to keep the kids' attention. They also have great interactive and/or paper quizzes, too. Thanks for sharing!

    NC Teacher Chick
