Monday, September 29, 2014

Mentor Monday: Nonfiction Sequence books

I am linking up again this week with Emily from The Reading Tutor/OG for Mentor Monday.  This week's topic is Nonfiction Sequence books.  Teaching sequencing explicitly is so important for both understanding reading concepts and for assisting kids in their own writing!

There are SO many great books out there that can be used to teach sequencing!  I am going to focus on one that is perfect for this time of year, but I have included a list of others that can be used throughout the year as well!  Gail Gibbons is one of my all-time favorite nonfiction authors.  Most of her books lend themselves naturally to teaching sequencing.  However, I think that The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree is even more appropriate for this topic than some of her others.

If you don't have the book, but still want to use it, click {HERE} for a video of the book being read aloud.

Kathryn Lasky is another one of my favorite authors!  In fact, I was lucky enough to meet her while at a reading conference.  Her book "Sugaring Time" is beautifully written and includes photographs rather than artwork.  It is more geared for older kids as it has a lot more words, but definitely uses sequencing to tell the story of gathering maple sugar from the trees during the winter.  I love Kathryn Lasky's storytelling ability, even in nonfiction texts!

Other books for teaching sequencing:


No matter which book you pick, you can use this FREEBIE organizer to help the kids go through the steps.  They could also use this as an organizer for their own writing!  Just click on the picture to download your copy!

I can't wait for next week's edition of Mentor Monday because Emily and I are going to join forces (Mentor Mondays meet Math Madness Wednesdays!) and bring you some wonderful ideas for Math Mentor texts!  See you next week!

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