Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently

How is it JUNE already!?  Don't get me wrong...I am ready for the summer, but man this year has flown by!
The beginning of the month means it is time to link up with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade for her monthly Currently project.
Mostly self explanatory...
**I can't blame the girl...I mean, who really wants to clean up the dog poop from the yard!?  But, the kids take turns and switch duties (haha, I said DOOTY) every other day.  So, since it is her day, she is trying to convince her brother to help her.  Not happening!
**Don't get me wrong.  I love that my daughter is in to so many sports and I am proud of her for being so good at them.  But, this family needed some down time!  She is not involved in any sports this summer since we will be gone so long and I am LOVING not having specific plans on the weekends!
**Speaking of weekends, this was a great one!  Nothing big, nothing special, but time together!  My husband and I got to go and see a movie together while my father-in-law watched the kids last night and today we went to a birthday party.  I love getting to hang out with my whole family!
**All of this talk of everyone starting their summer already has me ready for the kids to be out of school!  Fortunately, they only have 2 weeks to go and have already been told they won't have any more homework (as a teacher, I'm not sure how that is going to make the kids act, but as a parent, I love that they will get more time to spend with me and their friends!)
**I have a couple of teachers who have "hired" me to do some work for them this summer AND I have a lot of collaborations set up for this summer.  It hit me this weekend that I am going to keep myself pretty busy this summer and that I better get started!
**I am so STOKED to be going to Vegas this summer for the TPT conference!  And, we get to make it a family vacation AND my mom is even meeting us there!  Then, she is taking my kids home with her and my husband and I will meet them in Ohio a couple weeks later.  And, of course, the whole summer will be filled with plenty of family fun!
I guess I better get back to all of that work I have been putting off.  Can't wait to see what everyone else is up to!  


  1. Krista, Your family sounds like a lot of fun! Hey, I guess your daughter figures it doesn't hurt to ask! So glad you are going to the TPT conference, that will be an awesome trip for you. Hope you learn a lot and have loads of fun!
    Burke's Special Kids

    1. Exactly! It doesn't hurt to ask! However, when your son is autistic and is used to listening to directions from his sister, he gets easily confused about is this what I am supposed to do or what SHE wants me to do! :) I can't say that I wouldn't have tried the same thing at her age though!

  2. Jealous of you going to the TPT conference! We leave for Mexico the day after it so it wasn't a possibility for me this year. Have a great time!

    Second Grade Stampede

    1. Mexico sounds pretty fun too. And, you get to stay for more than just 1 day! Watch for the week or so after the conference. I plan on sharing my new-found knowledge on my blog!
