Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Bucket List

It is almost summer!  I am sure many of you have many plans (Hopefully, relaxing is on the top of that list!).  I am linking up with Deanna Jump to bring the Top Ten Things I Want to do This Summer!
So, here is MY summer bucket list!
1.  Spend time with my kiddos.  I cannot believe how grown up they are getting!  Ellie keeps me busy with all of her sports and Xander (autistic) struggles with school.  The summer is just OURS!  No school, no sports, no schedule!  

2.  Spend time with my family.  No, I am not being redundant!  We moved to California (from the Mid-West!) almost 2 years ago.  It has been tough to be away from my parents, my brother, my nieces and nephew, and all other family members!  We will get to visit them this summer and I CANNOT wait!

3.  TPT conference--I can't believe how excited I am about this!  Not only have I never been to Las Vegas, but I am so excited to finally MEET some of the people I have worked with, looked up to, and stalked followed on blogs.  I can't wait to learn so much and have fun!
4.  Head to the beach--we live on the Central Coast in California (halfway between San Francisco and LA) so we are right by a lot of beaches.  I am one of the few that HATES sand, but my kids and dog love it, so we will be heading there several times for sure.  I love that we live so close that we can have impromptu day trips anytime we want!
5.  Catch up on some TV.  We have gone without cable for over a year now and I don't really miss it.  We recently bought a Roku and I have all kinds of shows added to my wishlist!  First of all, Parenthood is my absolute FAVORITE show (it might be because Max, one of the kids on the show, reminds me so much of my own son).  I recently read that this next season is the last season and that makes me sad.  I think I will go back to the beginning and watch the whole series again this summer!
6.  Working with the kids--Probably NOT on my kids bucket list, but the summer is when the teacher in me helps my kids grow and expand their likes.  For my son, that means working on some social skills (I recently bought Michelle Garcia Winner's most recent book "Social Town Citizens Discover 82 NEW Unthinkables for Superflex to Outsmart."  His wonderful speech path from last year introduced him to Superflex and his unthinkable villains.  He has struggled this year (5th grade) with making friends and being flexible, so we are going to have some fun practicing this summer.  For my daughter, who was recently tested and accepted for GATE, I have some fun techie stuff planned.  She is following in my footsteps for all things technology!  I am planning on helping her create some of her own apps, sites, designs.  Along the way, we will read some nonfiction (she usually has to have her arm twisted to read those, but if I coordinate it with what we are doing, I think she will dig it!).  I can't wait to see what she designs!
7.  Catch up on my reading--I have been slacking on my own reading.  It seems that I have only had time to read magazines since I could read an article or two while waiting to pick up my daughter or between assignments that my son was working on.  I did manage to finish Divergent, so this summer, I plan on finishing the series.  I would love other summer reading suggestions!
8.  Hang out with our new neighbors--we moved into a new home at the beginning of this month.  We had lived out in the country with nobody nearby.  We now live in a neighborhood, filled with families and kids.  I am excited to get to know everyone and have some neighborhood block parties!
9.  Nothing--Sometimes, it feels good to do ABSOLUTELY nothing!
10.  Last, but not least, I am excited to have some time to continue creating and writing on my blog.  I know, I do that all year long.  But, I truly enjoy doing it so I want to continue all summer long!  
I can't wait to hear what YOU are interested in doing this summer!  What is on your bucket list?
Don't forget about my Memorial Day Blog Hop (lots of freebies!).  And, Educents is have a sale this weekend!


  1. Krista, I'm envious of the beaches you're so close to! My hubby and I travel great distances to reach beaches like that one! lol Looks like we share a couple goals in #9 and #10! As much as I need to pry myself away from the computer sometimes, I'm excited to have the time to create! Have a great summer!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

    1. I sometimes forget how lucky we are to live so close to these beaches!
